Call for Submissions
The International Workshop on NeuroPhysiological Approaches for Interactive Information Retrieval (NeuroPhysIIR'25) aims to bringing together researchers from information retrieval, information science, human-computer interaction, cognitive neuroscience, and related fields, to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and accelerate progress in neurophysiologically-informed IIR research. This includes research involving facial expression analysis, eye tracking, measurements of peripheral physiology – electrodermal activity (EDA), galvanic skin response (GSR), Photoplethysmography (PPG), etc –, brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for measuring human reactions to information – electroencephalogram (EEG) or functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) based interfaces –, among others.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Resources, methodologies, and/or best practices for neurophysiological IIR
- Replicability and reproducibility of experiments using neurophysiological signals
- Using neurophysiological measures for evaluation
- Using neurophysiology as a feedback channel
- Brain-Computer Interfaces for information retrieval and generation
- Measuring user experience during human-information interaction using neurophysiological methods
Before the NeuoPhysIIR'25 workshop (due 28 Feb 2025)
- Get a copy of the template:
- Write your statement using the template
- Submit your statement by filling out the form:
Statements and responses will be collected from potential participants that are willing to discuss challenges and opportunities to advance knowledge in neurophysiological approaches for interactive IR.
A statement consists of about two paragraphs addressing each of the following five points:
Who is it that has a problem, or an opportunity, with neurophysiological IIR? Please tell us something about a person, group of people, or a situation.
What are the problems or opportunities there? Please give as many examples and as much detail as possible – at least a paragraph.
Why is the problem important and timely?
What should the research community be doing to help? Please give as many examples and as much detail as possible.
State of the art
A brief (!) overview of where we’re at now, and in which research field/domain.
What do we already know? What are the one or two key resources we already have?
Next Steps
List any resources, collaborations, research goals, or anything else that may help along the way.
Ethical Considerations
Please discuss any ethical considerations that may be relevant. For example, privacy and confidentiality of data.
Statements can be submitted by using this template as reference and by filling out this form:
Between the submission deadline and the workshop (March 2025)
Statements will be made available to participants through a shared folder (T.B.A.) and in the workshop Discord channel
Responses to statements can be added as comments directly to the statements. You are encouraged but not required to include your name in the PDF file; if you don’t, the statement or response will remain anonymous.
During the NeuroPhysIIR workshop (27 or 28 March 2025)
We will have time to discuss statements and responses during the workshop. More details to follow.
After the workshop (April-May 2025)
Participants will collaboratively contribute to the writing of the workshop report, which will be submitted to SIGIR Forum.